Thursday, January 23, 2014

So What is This Blog About Exactly?

So, you’re asking yourself, “The Moving Pictures Rhapsody” what in the world does that mean?  I’m just assuming here that you talk to yourself, because let’s be honest, we all do it sometimes.  Well moving pictures means: movies or film.  And rhapsody means: (according to google anyway) “an effusively enthusiastic or ecstatic expression of feeling.”  So this blog is going to be me waxing philosophically about movies.  But honestly it’s probably just going to be me ranting about movies I hate or love, or love to hate.  You get the idea.  I’ll post movie reviews here.  But I should warn you, they will be SPOILER filled movie reviews.  If you can’t handle that get out of the kitchen!  I don’t know why you are in a kitchen reading movie reviews, but if you are, get out!  But seriously, I sincerely hope you enjoy my blog, and if you don’t you’re probably a communist.

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