Saturday, January 16, 2016

My Thoughts on the 2016 Academy Award Nominations (A.K.A: Why the Academy Wants to Make Me Cry)

It's that time of year again my friends! Oscar time!! The Academy Award nominations were announced on Thursday, and I've taken a few days to think on things. So here are my thoughts.

Ridley Scott didn't get a Best Director nomination, what the crap?! If you read my last blog post, you'll know that The Marian was one of my favorite films of last year. And Ridley Scott deserves a lot of credit for what he did with that movie. I just can't believe Lenny Abrahamson got nominated over Ridley Scott. I've heard next to no award buzz for The Room, in fact I didn't even realize it had already come out! I'm just really annoyed by this!

But I am really happy that Matt Damon got a Best Actor nomination for The Martian!! I still can't believe that he doesn't have an Oscar yet (I realize he does already have an Oscar, but it's for screenwriting, not acting, so I'm not counting that!)! He is a terrific actor and I know he probably won't win this, but still so happy he got recognized for his performance! If you haven't seen it yet, what is wrong with you?

The Best Actor category is one that's really going to mess with me this year. Most people think that Michael Fassbender is going to win for his performance in Steve Jobs. And that would make me soooo happy! I've loved Fassbender for years! I think he is one of the best working actors today, and he sooo deserves an Oscar! But I've been waiting wayyyy longer for Damon to get an Oscar, so this category has me really torn!! Why Academy?!! Why do you have to mess with my emotions like this?!! Do you want to make me cry with frustration? Do you?!

So glad that Saoirse Ronan (try pronouncing that name correctly John Travolta!) got a Best Actress nomination!! I really love her, and I can't wait to see the film Brooklyn, I've heard great things about it! And Cate Blanchett was nominated yet again. Not complaining, she's one of the best actresses of our generation. But it does seem like she's becoming the new Meryl Streep.  The Academy is like: "oh she was in something this year? Let's nominate her!" But I guess that's not a bad thing.

But you know what is a bad thing? The fact that Jennifer Lawrence got another Best Actress nomination. And for Joy, of all things?! I've haven't heard ANY award buzz for that film (other than the Golden Globes, but they have like zero credibility)! Alicia Vikander deserved to get in this category for Ex Machina (I've heard it's an INCREDIBLE film and a unforgettable performance). Ugh, I'm one of the few people who doesn't think Lawrence even DESERVED to win an Oscar for Silver Linings Playbook. Way to drop the ball Academy!

Yay! Alicia Vikander got a Supporting Actress nomination at least!! And I'm always happy when Kate Winslet gets a nomination! So good job Academy!

Wow, Sylvester Stallone got an Academy Award nomination. Best Supporting Actor, Sylvester Stallone, for playing Rocky. I have no words.

But yay! Mark Ruffalo got another Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor!! If you read my thoughts on last year's nominations, you know how much I love him!

Wow, Inside Out got a nomination for Best Original Screenplay! I did really enjoy the film, but I did not expect that to happen! Although the Academy does enjoy nominating Pixar films in this category: Toy Story, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Wall-E, and Up all managed to get nominations. Was Inside Out as good as those films? Not in my personal opinion, but whatever. It does seem like the Academy nominates Pixar films in this category as kind of an apology for not nominating them for Best Picture. In fact the Academy has only nominated 2 Pixar films for the Best Picture category: Up and Toy Story 3. Neither won by the way. And no, Inside Out didn't get a Best Picture nomination, I don't think it deserved one. But I know a lot of people were upset by this.

Also interesting to see Straight Out of Compton get a nomination for Best Original Screenplay. I didn't think the Academy would recognize this film at all. Good for it though! Also surprising was Ex Machina getting a nomination in this category. Yay! Many people were hoping for it to get a Best Picture nomination, but oh well.

Also kind of surprising that Tarantino didn't get a nomination for The Hateful 8 screenplay. It seems like every time he makes a film, he at the very least gets nominated in this category.

John Williams got another Best Score nomination for Star Wars: the Force Awakens! That brings his total Oscar nominations to 50. The only person with more Oscar nominations is Walt Disney, he got 59. You can totally tie him John Williams! I believe in you!! I just love him, but who doesn't?!

What?! Fifty Shades of Grey got a nomination for Best Song?!!! Are you kidding me?!! It got a nomination, but the beautiful and poignant song "See You Again" from Furious 7 didn't?!! What are you smoking Academy?!!! I can't even talk about this anymore I'm so upset!!

Best Makeup seems like it had slim pickings this year doesn't it? I guess no one got painted green or turned into an orc this year, huh?

Yay!!! Cinderella got a nomination for Best Costume!!! It sooooo deserved it!!! It has to win right? RIGHT?!!! Don't screw with me Academy!!!

Well the Best Animated Feature category seems pretty standard. No GIANT snubs like last year (I'm never going to let the fact that the Lego Movie wasn't even NOMINATED go, like ever!)! Although I was surprised The Peanuts Movie didn't get a nomination. It had really good reviews, but it's not like it had any hope of winning. It's Inside Out's category all the way!!

I do think that Star War: the Force Awakens should have at least gotten a nomination for Best Picture. Especially since there can be 10 films in this category now. I'm not saying it was the best film of the year, but it got great reviews and people really loved it. Plus I know it got better reviews than Bridge of Spies and that got a nomination, so what gives Academy?! I of all people think that a STAR WARS film deserved to get nominated, and that's saying a lot!!

Anyway those are my thoughts on the 2016 Oscar nominations. Don't forget to watch the awards on February 28th!!! Also if you wanted the full nominations list here is a link:

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