Saturday, May 21, 2016

My Thoughts on the MacGyver Reboot

For those of you who haven't heard the news, the classic 80's TV show MacGyver is being rebooted. This reboot is coming to CBS this fall, and it will be about a young MacGyver who is just starting out in his career. CBS is no doubt trying to have their cake and eat it too. They are trying to appeal to an older audience (who fondly remember MacGyver) and at the same time appeal to a younger audience by casting a hot young star as the titular character (Lucas Till). Link to the trailer below

Now anyone who knows me, knows how much I LOVE MacGyver. I grew up watching the show (Yes, I realize I was -3 when it premiered but I watched a lot of TV Land growing up, don't judge me!) and I have seen every episode at least twice. So not only am I someone who actually remembers the original, but I'm also part of the demographic that CBS is trying so desperately to appeal to. So as you may have already guessed, I have very mixed feelings about this reboot.

On the one hand, I'm really excited that this series will get a new generation of people interested in this character (and by extension the original series). On the other hand it's being made by CBS. And I can't remember the last time I saw a CBS show and thought to myself "well that was great!". Heck it's hard to remember the last time I saw a CBS show and thought to myself "well that didn't suck too much!". So yeah, if this was being remade by literally ANY other network I'd definitely have more confidence that this wasn't going to suck!

Why would I be worried? How could the network that is responsible for 2 Broke Girls give us anything but quality TV?
But let's back up a bit and discuss the trailer shall we? First the good: I really love who they cast as MacGyver. Lucas Till is an up an coming star. You may recognize him from X-Men: First Class and a brief cameo in X-Men: Days of Future Past. He plays the character called Havoc. He was also in (gag me) the Hannah Montana Movie, but don't hold that against him. I think he's a really good actor. He's also very easy on the eyes, so that's good. Richard Dean Anderson was both of those things as well. So all good there. However, there are some people who are upset that Lucas Till is so young. Seeing as how MacGyver was in his mid 30's in the original series. But I get why they decided to go younger. Plus I think Till just looks younger than he is. He could easily play a teenager, even though he's in his late 20's. But it doesn't really bother me.

What were we talking about?
Also can we talk about MacGyver's hair for a second? Yes in the original series MacGyver does indeed have a mullet. It was the 80's O.K.!!!

It was a different time!!!
But it was a very specific look, and I was worried that they would just make the new actor look like every other male character on TV right now.

Not a bad look, but it can be a bit boring sometimes.
I'm happy that they went the other way. No he doesn't have a mullet exactly (thank God) but he does have pretty long hair. And I normally don't like long hair on guys but Till is definitely pulling it off. And it makes MacGyver look unique, so I'm on board with this.

What were we talking about again?
Another thing I really enjoyed about the trailer was the kind of action they had MacGyver doing. The first thing we see him do is get out of a jail cell by using gunpowder from some bullets to blow the door open. As an expert on all things MacGyver, I can tell you this trick is indeed authentic to the original show! Next thing: using a rubber hose to trip bad guys? Check. Using printer ink and some tape to create a fingerprint to open a door? Check. Using duct tape, gunpowder, and pipes to create an bow and exploding arrow? Totally something Mac (his often used nickname on the show) would do. And finally, escaping out of a truck falling off a cliff by using a parachute (which he probably constructed out of duct tape)? Again, totally Mac approved. So yeah, all that made me very happy! Watch one of MacGyver's best escapes in the link below!

But with the good, there is usually at least some bad. So now for the things I didn't like about the trailer. First thing: while there is a Swiss army knife in the logo (clever) MacGyver didn't appear to use one at any point in the trailer. Now I'm sure he does use one on the show, but since I didn't see it for myself, I have to dock some points for that.

The next thing is probably the biggest problem I had, namely the character of Lincoln. Now this character didn't exist in the original series. In fact Mac usually worked alone. He did have a boss, Pete. But Pete's role generally consisted of him giving Mac new cases and sometimes providing Mac backup if he got in too much trouble. That is not what I saw in this trailer. It looks like the character of Lincoln will be some kind partner to Mac. In fact it looks like CBS wants to turn this into a buddy cop show. And that is NOT what MacGyver is. MacGyver is a guy who is sent into bad situations and has to find a way out, by HIMSELF. Mac would always have someone who he'd be trying to help/rescue but that was a new person every week. 

Now there were some recurring characters on the original show. Like Jack (Mac's screw-up, but ever charming, best friend), Penny (Mac's screw-up, but ever charming hot friend), and of course Murdoc (the un-killable, master of disguise, assassin, who is Mac's nemesis). None of those sound like Lincoln.

In the 80's this was considered a hot look O.K!!!
But I have to be honest, the main reason I dislike this character so much already, is because of the actor playing him. George Eads, who you may remember from one of the million CSI shows (I think he was on the first one).

The first one was called CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. I would have titled it: Look How Easy it is to Solve Crimes Kids!
I do NOT like this actor. I'm sure he's a very nice guy, but he is not a great talent. Not surprising since I've seen better acting on Soap Operas than I have on most of the CSI shows (in fact there were several Soap actors that went on to star on several CSI shows). So forgive me, but I don't want anyone associated with those giant turds (aka the CSI shows) to be a part of MacGyver.

Just top notch writing.
But anyway, those are my thoughts on the MacGyver reboot. I'm sure you were all riveted. Now I've heard some disparaging remarks from some people online about this reboot (shocking I know). Those people are wondering, who was asking for a MacGyver reboot? Well the answer is: ME. I was asking. I've been wanting this, for YEARS. So I beg you CBS (and I'm sure they're reading this) DON'T SCREW THIS UP!!!!! MacGyver fans know how to make bombs with chewing gum and paperclips, so don't screw with us!!!!

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